With over 50 years of experience in Pickaway County, Ohio PICCA has been helping to empower people to become self-sufficient and improve their quality of life. PICCA has developed a wide range of programs that address different needs within the community.
PICCA’s Recycling Program
PICCA, organized in 1965, receives the majority of its funding from State and Federal Agencies through the grant process. PICCA strives to provide opportunities of all kinds to low-income individuals to empower them to improve their quality of life. From the youngest newborn to the oldest retiree, PICCA has programs to provide that safety net. Whether it be for short-term support or long-term life planning each program is specifically geared to build the total person for success. Child education, family finance, employee opportunities and education, along with assistance with housing and health-building meals to eat take into consideration all aspects of a person’s place in life.
PICCA’s Trolley
From Head Start to Tax Clinic to Housing Aid, PICCA understands that for many people it takes a combination of resources to grow out of poverty. PICCA strives to keep evolving its slate of programs to meet the ever changing needs of the public.
If you need assistance or can provide help of some form browse the many programs PICCA has to offer within this website. Our staff is available and ready to help with whatever your question might be.
The old PICCA headquarters