The HEAP Winter Crisis Program provides income-eligible households with home-heating assistance. Eligible households must be threatened with disconnection of their heat, have been disconnected or have less than a 25 percent supply of bulk fuel or wood. The program typically runs from November 1 through March 31. The HEAP Summer Crisis Program provides assistance with paying an electric bill, help with the cost of central air conditioning repairs, and/or purchase of a window air conditioner or fan. Eligible households must include an elderly member (age 60 or older), or provide physician documentation that cooling assistance is needed for a household member’s health. The program typically runs from July 1 through August 31.

Appointments for HEAP assistance are encouraged and can be made by calling 1-(833) 359-2804 or online HERE .  For more information about HEAP and other Energy Assistance Programs, contact PICCA at (740) 477-1655.

For more information on the HEAP program, please visit this website.